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Spiritual Growth

Energy Awareness

Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness for Health Professionals

Addressing Test Anxiety in Students

Stress Reduction for Groups and Families  


wellness for health professionals


"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when
our hearts are conscious of our treasures."

-Thornton Wilder

Infusing Heart into your Massage Therapy Practice

Touching people is so much more than a physical phenomenon. There is non-verbal information flowing back and forth as well as a significant energetic exchange. This workshop illustrates the significance of “being” as well as “doing”. Participants will learn to shift their consciousness from their head to their heart. There will also be an experience of tapping into the hidden qualities of the heart during the massage treatment. Transmission of the heart and its qualities transforms each massage session into a healing event.

Heart Meditation: A Tonic for Burnout

Those of us that help others often find ourselves depleted, tired, and "burned out". How do we find the energy to continue and return to the place of fulfillment in our work? Many have come to the service professions answering a call from the heart. So, it should come as no surprise that the tonic for burnout can also be found in the heart. Shifting our consciousness from the head to the heart creates opportunities to tap into hidden qualities of the heart. This can be a palpable shift for both practitioner and patient. Rather than giving solely from oneself, participants will learn to tap a source of unlimited love and compassion. From this alignment, health professionals will discover an unlimited source of energy and find themselves refreshed rather than depleted.

Energy Awareness and Cultivation for Health Professionals
A 12-week course, NCBTMB approved

This course is designed to teach health professionals to enhance awareness of their energy field and develop capacities to cultivate and balance energy. Energy awareness encourages a state of presence that makes the client/patient feel safe and heard. As health professionals become more grounded and centered, they have access to healing qualities that enhance the healing process sndnaturally diminish distractions The result is becoming less reactive to challenging situations and more resilient to burnout. Each week of this 12 week course a new skill is presented to prepare one for the next. The intention is to build a healing vessel to create enhanced pathways to carry stronger currents of Light. Greater awareness of the chakra system and the ability to assess and correct imbalances can enhance each interaction. Participants will learn how to become more heart centered and tap into energies much greater than themselves. This is all possible through high sense perception, meditative practice and intention. As we clear and balance ourselves, we are more available to guidance, intuition, and life force energy. This creates an opportunity to transform each interaction into a healing phenomenon for both therapist and client.


• Massage Therapists
• Nurses (RN/LPN)
• Occupational Therapists & COTAs
• Physical Therapists and PTAs
• Rehabilitation Therapists
• Hospice Workers
• Social Workers
• Geriatric Caregivers


• To improve the physical and emotional health of caretakers
• To enhance feelings of well-being and job satisfaction
• To encourage team building and cooperation


• Learn how to experience peace in the midst of chaos
• Discover an ancient heart meditation that transforms your state of being
• Actually see the heart rhythm changes using biofeedback
• Uncover mystical qualities hidden with the heart to be shared with others
• Tap into an unconditional love that is infinite in its nature
• Learn to share these qualities nonverbally
• Integrate these sacred gifts with integrity into your work

Please feel free to call Carla at 847.363.8842 or send an email with any questions.

healing hands
Transforming stress through cutting-edge technology & the wisdom of the heart
